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Wealth Management

More Than a Financial Plan.

Wealth management is about far more than financial planning and investments; beyond trusts, estate plans and family legacies. It’s about personal realization and fulfilment.

By asking the right questions and doing in-depth analysis, we put in place a comprehensive wealth plan that reflects your values and priorities — now and for decades to come.

A holistic view of your wealth

A strong foundation for lasting wealth must integrate everything from tax strategies, to college and retirement funding, to trust and estate planning in a way that reflects who you are and where you want to go.

That’s where we come in. By taking a 360-degree view of your finances, we ensure each decision you make fits in with your goals, not only in terms of return, but also risk, taxes, cash flow, your estate plan and many other considerations unique to you.

Crafting your personal Wealth Plan

We create a roadmap for your wealth that incorporates each aspect of your financial life. At every turning point along your journey, you’ll be connected to LNW’s wide range of experts in Wealth PlanningInvestment ManagementTrust Services and more.

Together, we identify the steps you must make today — and tomorrow — to realize everything your wealth can achieve.


What’s missing now?

We review all aspects of your financial life to see what is missing, what is not working for you, and what does not fit with your goals and values.


What’s your time horizon?

We create a timeline and strategy for each of your major goals, a budget well into your 90s, and a plan to guide future decisions.


Are you still on track?

We review your income sustainability analysis to see if you are on track, then update your wealth plan as needed, to match spending and lifestyle changes.

Get in Touch to Learn More

To find out more about LNW and how we align your wealth and values, click here for details about us.

If you are a high-net-worth individual or family looking for investment advisory and/or trust services, please complete the following form, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

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